Song for England

Ned Pamphilon (Sovereign Tea on front page) says I need to sing with more conviction!

He's right, but I was still struggling to remember the words and the chords (as is obvious) and it was good to get out in front of an audience and see how it went. I couldn't get to the microphone to sing - with guitar perched on paunch! I sang a few rock and roll songs earlier with just the mike no problem, like Route 66, Bebopalula and did the England Is Waiting while the band was on break and most of the audience had gone off for a cup of coffee etc!!!

Next time I'll bang it out Ned. You're quite right!!!

The key thing I feel at this stage is that it's quite a nice song, and it could develop into a great one. I need the boost of being in front of an audience to bring out more conviction and more energy. I will next time, Ned. I promise!

Ned is an undiscovered genius, a national treasure. His music is just as good as his painting. How come he's still mostly unknown?