Supporter writes my Press Release. Fact checked.

To the Facebook supporters backing my candidacy - That's my election pitch written for me! The Police Area we are in is not West Midlands but West Mercia, covering Shropshire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Mercia was an ancient country. England was formed from Wessex, Mercia and Northumbria in 927 AD July 12th.

The language of Mercia was a form of German which is why the name Shrewsbury comes from German, and many other local place names.

Our Police Force can do so much better than it is doing especially in West Mercia which is a low performing Police Area in the national rankings. If elected I can reset the budget and priorities to target crime - not political interference in peoples' lives. We need a Police Force fighting crime, not controlling our thoughts and promoting sexual agendas. The party I am in is The English Democrats - T.E.D. - Teds for short. Slogan - More Police Catching Criminals! Vote for me and I'll do the job we need. Spread the word in your network.

A supporter writes - If you are registered to vote, I’m campaigning for this man Henry Curteis running for police commissioner. He’s one of our most trusted candidates who deserves to be in that position. If you could also give your support to vote for this strong candidate then Your vote it wouldn’t be wasted because I believe he is the man with integrity, honesty and have good intentions and lastly with balls!! Don’t forget May 2nd.. I’m calling you all.. Go to your polling station to vote Henry Curteis for Police Commissioner. Last edited 9:41 AM · Mar 29, 2024

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