Jack Matlock, former Presidential adviser on foreign affairs from the 1990s, Internal pressures brought the Soviet Union to an end, not western pressure. The western powers wanted NATO to continue to ensure Germany didn't dominate Western Europe.
So much recent propaganda says that Russia is the threat today when it is NATO that has expanded endlessly since the Wall came down.
The US has never tolerated any power to develop in the American sphere. Expanding NATO endlessly was bound to bring a reaction from Russia.
The media narrative of Russian aggression needs correcting.
Two thirds of Ukrainians were against absorption into NATO.
The Teds are the only party that wants to negotiate a new peace with Russia.
We should stand for election now. If you want to join this effort, and sand in the general election, email me on hmtcurteis@gmail.com
You will need about £2,000 to fund your campaign. And some experience of campaigning preferably.
All the main parties remin silent while Cameron stirs up trouble against Russia and threatens deployment ofBritish forces.
The English Democrats are the only opposition. Join us and bring your voice to bear.