The BUK stops here

Shame on England. We signed ourselves into the UK on terms which are now broken. The UK is selling us out to world government by stealth. We must end the Broken Union, nullify the treaties and enforce English Law.

In reply to UKIP. We can't stop the destruction of England and remain inside the UK.

The UK fully supports the destruction of England.  So England must decide now that The BUK stops here.  (Broken UK)

From hereon we are no longer UK anything but England.  We need English Law to rule, not the mess the BUK has made of our great country.

UKIP must rename itself as TEIP - The English Independence Party - along with Welsh and Scottish if they must.

Wales and Scotland are best left to the Welsh and the Scottish. They don't need the Union any more than Enhgland does.

UKIP and the Teds are on the same page apart from UKIP has failed to realise it's too late now. It's the BUK.

We can't stop the destruction of England inside the UK. The UK supports the destruction of England. The BUK must stop here - The Broken U K. Now we are only English. (Not British. Britain is a geographical term, not a country)

UKIP must rename as TEIP - the English Independence Party - along with Welsh and Scottish if they must. Wales and Scotland are best left to the Welsh and the Scottish.


Shame on our government. They were elected to represent the British public but it is letting foreign criminals live amongst us to rape our women. Things have gone too far. #VoteUKIP Replying to @UKIP

UKIP conflates UK with Britain with England.

England is our country.

Britain is the island on which our country is located as well as Wales and Scotland.

UK is the illegal, corrupted and bankrupt federal government of four unfortunate separate nations. UKIP has to get its nomenclature fixed or it is talking gobblygook. The UK is the enthusiastic signer of many treaties signing away England's and English rights to world government. Unless we achieve independence we will never be able to nullify the illegal treaties.

Inside the UK we are lost.

Britain and Brits should not be mentioned unless we are discussing geography. Britain is not England.

England is our only country and nation – or Welsh and Scottish, but these two don’t need the UK to tell them who they are and what they need to do, any more than England does.

Better call UKIP BUKIP – The Broken UK Independence Party. Awaken my friends, and fight for English law, and our English nation. The BUK stops here, and the collapse of England our true and beloved nation.