We do not find it right for England to openly side with one of the warring parties in this war. England’s biggest aim in this war should be to ensure that the war lasts as short a time as possible
UPDATE - TraditionalBritain
Dec 6
At our dinner this year her solicitor @RobinTilbrook suggested that Rotherham media had refused his advert asking whether other victims needed
Many thanks for your generous donation and support. It is only with such support that it is possible for the English Democrats to make headway in fighting for England! We want to see complete reform
What actually is our true population in 2023? It's a good question. You can't trust government statistics. They claim there's a net figure for immigration for example of around 600,000. Yet they
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvjwrPHTkck Yesterday I met up with Robin Tilbrook, the lawyer who brought the case claiming that the first Article 50 extension was unlawful, so we therefore left the
Bloomin’ eck. Party Chairman escapes assassination by inches. Edit Sun 11:15 am +01:00, 8 Oct 2023 2
posted by Tapestry
Erhan, my Turkish friend, who’s lived in England for twenty years, now a
Robin's speech at Nottingham on October 7th reveals the true numbers of people coming into Britain in any one year, inter alia. The numbers are so big, that the UK population must be increasing much
Dear Robin, It's great to hear from you and I'm very grateful for your very kind offer. Please accept my apologies that I won't be able to attend the conference this weekend - I really wanted to
Ladies and Gentlemen Chairman’s Overview of the state of politics in England.
I have been reading. As you may all have guessed I am an avid reader. I have recently been reading Matthew Goodwin’s