Tag: England
Venom from UK for England via WHO
For England the only way to exit the w.h.o. might be the simplest - exit UK. English Democrats National Council and Conference might be producing an offer of a referendum to exit UK. It has
Song for England
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTVcGQRT0VM Ned Pamphilon (Sovereign Tea on front page) says I need to sing with more conviction! He's right, but I was still struggling to remember the words and the
Stop calling us 'Brits' and 'British'. We are English or Scottish or Welsh.
There are no British. There are Scottish, English and Welsh nationals. Britain is an island not a people.
Ye U - K is a failed illegal federal government. I've started @WestMerciaTeds on twitter and
England lovers classified as Extremists
English flag banned in London under race hate laws by Police. Now this. Revealed: plan to brand anyone ‘undermining’ UK as extremist
Leaked documents spark furious backlash from groups who fear
What's the gameplan here?
Well, they're all laying into Boris Johnson now, aren't they? But what's the real reason behind all this?
Police use hate crime laws to ban English flag in London
Police ban English flag in London. We must withdraw from the UK. First they flew Ukraine’s flag all over England. Now the Palestinian flag is the flag du jour to favour. These are flags of wars
England again
Scotland's First Minister wants England to take in Palestinian Refugees Henry If the UK agrees to Humza Yousaf's demands, it will be England that will bear the brunt as always. This truly is 'The
England Calling by Ned Pamphilon
Sung impromptu after lunch at the English Democrats Nottingham Conference October 7th 2023. Robin Tilbrook holding microphone. Filmed by Jeff Taylor. Sung from the heart, brilliantly composed. And we
Song - Stay Free Another 1000 Years
Slow blues style - Stay Free Another 1000 years. Henry Curteis. Written for the English Democrats Nottingham conference 2023. Ned Pamphilon sang his