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Today let us begin with the second and third largest increases in spending in recent years, Bank of England losses and debt interest. There is no need to restate the detail of how the Bank’s losses
John Redwood's Diary
Why the Conservatives lost By johnredwood on July 5, 2024 There were many reasons given by people who had voted Conservative in 2019 as to why they switched their votes or
Here’s the main aim of the Labour Manifesto. I fully support it. So did Liz Truss.It just shows how varied and wide an appeal it has. Growth needs to be per capita growth. It needs to be
Headline inflation has come down to 2%. The European Central Bank has made its first cut in interest rates. Suspicious Conservatives think the Bank wanted to deny them a rate cut before the election
How to have lower taxes and faster growth johnredwood May 26 I have been critical of the government for putting up with unacceptable losses by the Bank of England, the railways, the Post Office, HS 2
The Bank of England should cut the losses johnredwood April 21 I am trying to get more to put this case to the Treasury and Bank to stop the outrageous losses. Please use this text. The Bank of
The scale of Bank losses In the budget figures we were told the Bank of England's bond buying and selling will end up losing us £102 bn. In its early phases the Bank sent the Treasury profits of
The Bank of England lets its Magic Money tree wilt johnredwood April 1 Great news. The Bank of England has reviewed its money policy over lockdown and the period 2020 to 2022. It has concluded it
johnredwood March 25 I will spare you a party political response to the Reeves Mais lecture. Various journalists have described its vacuity, verbosity and timidity. I want to set out the big issues
The Bank gets it wrong again johnredwood March 22 The Bank of England forecast inflation at 2% when it was going on to hit 11%. So clearly it does not understand inflation and has little ability to