Ursula von der Leyen could be in for her "worst nightmare" a Conservative Brexiteer told Express.co.uk predicting there could be a big EU "shake up", orchstrated by a woman who has become a rightwing star in Europe.
The comment was made just ahead of Express.co.uk's interview with Judit Varga, Hungary's former Justice Minister and leading European enemy of woke politics, who could stir trouble for president of the European Commission.
The 40 minute interview with the formidable Mrs Varga made it clear why she strikes fear into the hearts of the Brussels establishment.
She is one of the leading figures behind an attempt next year to shift the balance of power in the European Parliament from being in the hands of the woke liberal left to possibly being controlled by the conservative right.
This includes her own Fidesz party led by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Italy's Fratelli di'Italia led by Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni - neither are exactly liked by the European Parliament or von der Leyen's Commission.
READ MORE: Hungary PM claims there is 'very clear link between terrorism and migration'
David Maddox, Judit Varga
Judit Varga speaks to David Maddox (Image: Hungarian embassy) Like Britain, the widespread fury wave of massive illegal immigration hitting Europe is at the heart of what Mrs Varga believes will drive political change in the EU.
She refuses to use the words "asylum seekers" for what she considers to be "economic migrants" in common with many on the right of politics.
And to this day she regreats "the mistakes" of the Brussels establishment which saw her country's best ally in taking on the power of Brussels (the UK) leave through Brexit.
She does not want Hungary to leave even though the European Parliament and Commission are withholding its money over arguments on domestic issues mainly LGBT education laws.
She said: "I want to change the EU."
Italy's Giorgia Meloni is one of a new generation of rightwing leaders in Europe (Image: Getty) On next year's elections, Varga urged caution for those who hope for a massive swing to the right.
She said: "I don't want to be naive because every election, every five years, we have big hopes.
"I don't expect this [victory] because I think the scene was already set decades ago. I mean, progressive liberals are in every institution, including the media, deep down in, in the default mindset of citizens."
But she gave reasons for optimism.
"I think no big landslide victory is foreseen for the [right], but I don't want to be pessimistic either because I do have hopes."
She notes that the Commission is trying to acceleate measures such as deciding a scheme on forcing each EU member to have a quota of illegal migrants.
For her it shows the fear among the "progressive liberal" bureaucrats of a change in the European Parliament.
"They might not be as successful in the future with a new political landscape. Some shift in the power balance is expected for the benefit of the Conservatives."
Varga warns that the EU's approach at the moment encourages illegal migration and the human traffickers.
By setting quotas and being equivocal the Commisison and member states are telling people to come in her view.
This ends up with many getting into small boats and crossing the English Channel to Britain.
Mrs Varga promotes a much tougher line which has its origins when Viktor Orban blocked the Hungarian border in 2015 to illegal migrants with a fence much to the criticism of people in Brussels.
She said: "We see that all those forecasts when we for example, said in 2015, we have to stop not tackle not manage, we have to stop mass illegal migration.
"We have to send a strong message: 'please don't come there's no allocation syste, there's no quota system.'
"Those who want to attract labour force, they have a legal route with visa programmes, with aeroplane tickets, not with human traffickers."
But even with its measures in place Hungary has recorded 170,000 attempts to illegally cross its borders just this year.
Varga noted that human trafficking to the EU thanks to the leftwing approach pushed by von der Leyen and others has already made it worth £1 billion euros.
She warned: "There is also a clear link between terrorism, national security issues and messy illegal migration because this is also a cultural threat. It results in polarised societies, this increases the terrorist threat."
Mrs Varga pointed out that Hungary and Poland's history of being on the borders of invasions into Europe throughout history and defending western Christendom in past centuries has made it more willing to talk about the cultural issues of mass migration now.
She said: "Central Europe, we are much more honest towards our citizens, because we had to defend Europe's borders throughout history."
She noted that western countries that "built their ships to the conquer the world" have ended up inviting mass migration into their borders.
Varga was concerned that there maybe a weakening in the coalition of countries now that the PS governing party appears to have lost in Poland to Donald Tusk's coalition but she was sceptical that the coalition survive describing it as "weak with different interests".
Mrs Varga also shared the fury some in Britain have with the European Court of Justice which is fining her country for breach human rights legislation which it claims runs counter to Hungarian laws.
Orban's government has held out, but she noted: "Taxpayers are paying fines from the European Court of Justice for not complying with the judgement by defending the borders because they save the Hungarian legislation is not in line with European rules."
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Mrs Varga was a minister in Viktor Orban's government (Image: Getty) Migration though is not the only problem with the EU but also woke-ism.
Mrs Varga noted: "Pro-migration policy was a huge mistake. Pro-woke-ism or gender issues are also a looming problem for our societies, because they are dissolving the building bricks of the society to the federal wanted."
She played a significant part in creating laws to limit LGBTQ+ lessons in schools ands give parents a say over how their children are being taught.
The Orban government has also run a very pro-family benefit and tax system which among other things sees women who have four childre not pay any income tax and having their university debt cancelled.
But these also saw conflict with Brussels and hs seen the European Parliament manage to block money going to the country.
Mrs Varga pointed out that they are making the same threat to Meloni with Italy due £200 billion each year.
She believes there is an agenda to destroy nation states.
Explaining the push of trans ideology and other woke issues by the EU, she said: "The reason is obvious. If you dissolve the building bricks of your national identity, which is actually family, church, local communities, then you manage to to vanish nation states.
"Because if you don't know who you are, you don't even know who you are individually, a man or a woman and who is your mother, who is your father and what is a family because the relativist concept, the solid building blocks of the society, they can destabilise countries and we see this trend."
She added: "This is why we put into the [Hungarian] constitution, a really strong sentence from which I was crucified [by Brussels and the woke left] - the mother is a woman and the father is a man.
"So when I went to Brussels with the child protection on my agenda, I was stigmatised as a homophobic minister."
For her the fight is the sdame as her country's struggle against communism embodied in the brave but failed 1956 revolution which she now sees played out again in its fights with Brussels. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1831563/ursula-von-der-leyen-nightmare-judit-varga-european-parliament-election?utm_source=daily_express_newsletter&utm_campaign=politics_morning_newsletter2&utm_medium=email&fbclid=IwAR17-z7_74WZ1-mN73bVynItpw2SHBH5M16YtR10HQqjQjkWF7IKQ1kny60#conversation-wrapper