English Democrat message of peace between Russia and NATO July 7th 2022

We do not find it right for England to openly side with one of the warring parties in this war. England’s biggest aim in this war should be to ensure that the war lasts as short a time as possible and to produce policies that will cause the least interruption in the agricultural products, oil and gas supply necessary for the English people. We, as the English Democrat Party, believe that all English people should know that we are the biggest defenders of the economic and political interests of the English people, instead of being a supporter of wars wherever they occur in the world.

enter image description here . Prime Minister Boris Johnson publicly expressed his support for the Ukrainian people by addressing the Ukrainian parliament in the video conference he attended in May 2022, saying "You have put an end to the myth that Putin is invincible". We deeply regret that it was the Prime Minister who made this unfortunate statement. Mr. Boris Johnson is in a difficult situation politically and economically at home. By getting involved in the Ukraine - Russia war, he tries to draw the attention of the British voters in different directions. Mr. Boris Johnson's political statements and actions pose a serious threat to English People’s interests. We support the call by Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds of the Church of England, that the war must end with the concession of the Ukrainian Government in this Russian ethnic majority territory. . The Daily Mail newspaper, which encourages the British and US ex-soldiers who went to fight against the Russian invaders in Ukraine, does not hesitate to use the headline 'Now we challenge Putin'. We want it to be known that the irresponsible reporting approach of the Daily Mail, which is a supporter of Boris Johnson and the "Conservative" Government, does not reflect the opinion of the entire English public. . We would also like to point out that we do not approve of the step taken by Lithuania to block Russian access to the Russian enclave in Kaliningrad. This is a dangerous and irresponsible step that increases the risk of war between NATO and Russia. The cost of the war will be paid to the surrounding peoples and governments. Energy prices will rise with the war. This means that poverty will increase. . We, as the English Democrat Party, believe that the economic welfare level of the English people should not accelerate downwards with the decisions taken by Boris Johnson. Unfortunately, due to this war between Russia and Ukraine, we believe that militarist and totalitarian rhetoric will have the opportunity to gain power, just like before the second world war. . As the English Democrat Party, we want the English public to know that we are determined to protect the economic and political rights of the English people throughout this war, and beyond. (Commentary on Robin Tilbrook's recent Press Release on Britain supplying arms to Ukraine, published by the English Democrats National Council)

Author English Democrats - Shropshire RT report on the background to the war in Donbass. This report is censored in England but it is important that people know the true background to the war. https://vk.com/video547135533