As I’ve said, to write all this off as “far-right thuggery”, as Keir Starmer has done, is just wrong. While there are far-right activists among the crowds, many of the protestors are clearly locals, including women and children. And much of this does is organic, however much the elite class wants us to believe it’s all being orchestrated by Tommy Robinson, Andrew Tate, and Elon Musk.
It’s a comforting narrative for our bewildered and confused ruling class because if all this can be pinned on “far-right thuggery”, or even “terrorism”, then there’s no need to listen to the protestors, search for the root cause, or treat their concerns as valid.
But it marks a sharp change. Why? Because back when it was ethnic minorities and migrants rioting in Harehills we were told “a riot is the language of the unheard”. And back when rioting erupted in England, in 2011, under a Conservative-led government, left-wing columnists told us it was not just criminality or thuggery but reflected deeper grievances over public sector cuts, deprivation, and austerity.
So which riots and protests are allowed to reflect legitimate grievances? Only ones involving minorities? For many ordinary people, there appears to be one rule for ethnic minority riots, and another for white riots.
Why were police dogs lunging at white protestors in Plymouth, while roving mobs of Asians were able to attack pubs in Birmingham as police appeared then disappeared? And why is the media class so keen to describe white British rioters as “far-right” but when a journalist is forced to stop broadcasting by an angry Asian mob, including shooting gestures and stabbing the tires of their van, it is spun as “mostly peaceful”?
These examples are why so many people in this country are talking openly about a “two-tier” society —two-tier policing, two-tier media, two-tier politics, two-tier Keir.
And, to be honest with you, I’m now worried that all this is going to get a lot worse, not only in terms of the protests but because of what Keir Starmer and his Labour government are about to do, what they have planned for the next five years.
Look, unless you’ve been sitting under a rock in SW1 Westminster, or at some elite university, we all know what lies at the root of this. Mass immigration. Out there, in the country, a profound sense of concern and frustration over what is happening to Britain has been building and bubbling up for much of the last quarter-century.
The British people voted again and again and again for less immigration and more control only to then watch their leaders push it up and up and up and lose control. They’ve been repeatedly lied to, in short. They’ve been betrayed. We need to call it what it is. And no matter how many left-wing writers deplore the rhetoric around the small boats, the truth is that while the Tories spoke tough they failed to stop the boats.
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The real problem isn’t the rhetoric; it’s the tens of thousands of illegal migrants, most of whom are young men from radically different countries, flooding into Britain every day and our glaring, humiliating inability to do anything about it. It is simply making a mockery of our claim to be a self-governing, sovereign nation. And it is leaving millions of people, including young girls and women, feeling profoundly unsafe.
There is also deep hypocrisy. Many people see Keir Starmer’s Labour government telling them there is “no money left” and that their already difficult lives are about to be made even more difficult by looming tax rises —which Labour said it wouldn’t introduce. But yet, somehow, Labour can still find billions to spend on asylum-seekers and illegal migrants, and does not appear especially concerned with stopping this.
Which is why I’m so deeply concerned about what Starmer’s Labour has planned next. Because instead of trying to defuse the situation, instead of trying to acknowledge and address the root cause, Labour is already embarking on an extreme policy to put our already unsustainable and unprecedented rates of mass immigration on steroids. Labour’s extreme policy of mass immigration is going to ensure things will now get worse —a LOT worse. It is about to pour gasoline on an already-raging fire.
What do I mean? Just look at what Labour’s been doing behind the scenes. The very first thing Starmer’s Labour did was cancel the Rwanda Plan, and with it any deterrent we might have had for the sharply rising number of illegal migrants. And if you expect Starmer, a former human rights lawyer, to leave the European Convention on Human Rights and reform the Human Rights Act, the only things that would allow us to stop the boats, then I have a bridge to sell you. It ain’t gonna happen.
Which means the number of small boats crossing the English Channel will only keep rising, with record numbers, nearly 17,000, arriving this year already. More migrants we don’t know anything about. More hotels and accommodation. More taxpayer money. More public anxiety. More concern. More confusion about why nobody in Westminster is listening. And, astonishingly, people are even being rewarded for this absolute farce, with the civil servant presiding over this getting a £30,000 bonus!
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Labour’s also amended the Illegal Migration Act, too, allowing asylum seekers who arrived here after it came into force to be processed here in Britain. What does that mean? It means that of the 90,000 migrants this applies to, around 60,000 are highly likely to be granted asylum here in Britain because they come from “unsafe” countries which we can’t return them to. So, as long as you come from a dangerous hellhole and can rustle up the few thousand pounds needed to get here, you can bypass the entire legal immigration system and expect to live in Britain for the rest of your days.
And that’s not all. It gets even worse.
To keep their promise to end the use of ‘migrant hotels’, Labour has now briefed new plans to scatter asylum seekers across the country. They’ll be housed in privately rented houses, unused care homes, and student blocks. When ‘migrant hotels’ are being attacked, this is an incredibly dangerous move. The police can defend a hotel but if angry mobs go after scattered homes, it will be difficult to protect all of them.
It also means that instead of concentrating asylum seekers in a few locations, they’ll be spread out across the country. At a time when NIMBYs get angry about schools being built near them, asylum-seekers being dumped in small towns and leafy villages will stoke a strong reaction. Would you want them living next to you?
It also means that, instead of the inconvenience of not being able to use a local hotel for a wedding or a visit, many ordinary Brits will find themselves competing against the Home Office to try and find somewhere to live.
One study recently revealed that 43% of young people in Britain still live with their parents. The asylum seeker crisis is about to become very visible to even more people, preventing many Brits from finding a home. As I’ve written before, you can either have affordable and available housing or mass immigration. You can’t have both.
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We only have to look to the example of Ireland, where widespread anti-immigration protests were heavily driven by anger at asylum seekers being housed by the government while locals struggled to find a home.
To add to all that, as part of its extreme immigration plan, Starmer’s Labour has also just announced it’s expanding the Afghan Resettlement scheme. Bear in mind, this isn’t for the Afghan interpreters who helped British troops in Helmand. It’s for people we rescued in 2021, when the rotten Afghan government we backed collapsed.
I’m sure life here is nicer than back in Kabul but we don’t owe them anything. Labour’s move means they can apply for family members to join them. The average Afghan family size is 6-7, so you don’t need to be a genius to work out this could mean tens of thousands more arrivals. Did anyone vote for this? Has there been a debate about this? Nope. Just more mass immigration, imposed once again from above.
And as if all that wasn’t enough, there’s more. Labour has also just announced that the Conservative’s planned increase in the minimum income that is required for a family visa will no longer be raised. Remember when the Tories promised net migration under 100,000? Well, last year more than 80,000 people came here on family visas alone, so just have a think about what this means for the country, too.
These are not isolated decisions.
What they all add up to is an extreme policy. Labour MPs might like to deride much of the rest of the country as extremists, as being firmly disconnected from ‘real Britain’, but when it comes to immigration policy it is Labour MPs who are the extremists.
They are putting already unsustainable and unprecedented rates of mass immigration on steroids, they are pouring gasoline on a fire, imposing yet more migration and rapid demographic and cultural change on a country that is already breaking apart.
Fewer restrictions. Less security. More illegals. More division. More frustration. And if you dare to complain about it then you’re a “far-right thug”, an “Islamophobe”, or maybe even a “terrorist”, who will have your free speech eroded and voice silenced. As Elon Musk, rightly in my view, asked this week. Are we in Britain or the Soviet Union?
So, look, I started this Substack blog because I wanted to speak honestly and directly to the British people. And here’s what I want to say. Don’t let the elite class gaslight you. This Labour government is already revealing its true face –and it’s a very ugly face. More taxes. Less North Sea oil. No money to heat pensioners in winter. More money for foreign aid and corrupt foreign regimes. A crackdown on free speech and social media. Removing barriers on the small boats. And all while letting thousands of prisoners, including those who killed children, out early.
These are not normal policies. They are deeply radical policies. They are deeply ideological policies. They are dogmatic policies. They are irresponsible policies.
What the last week has shown is that there is a deep anger, a deep sense of frustration, running through this country. People are absolutely fed up with not being listened to, with being lied to, with seeing their country change in ways they neither like nor want. There are too many areas in England that no longer look or feel like England.
And this is now getting serious. We need to acknowledge and we need to address the root cause. No major country in history has gone through such rapid demographic and cultural changes and not faced serious problems. That white and Muslim mobs hit the streets on the basis of rumours shows how sensitive our communities have become, and how poorly integrated they are. The mantras, repeated by the elite class in religious-like fashion —“diversity is our strength”, “multiculturalism has not failed”— have been revealed for what they are. Empty. Hollow. Misguided. Ridiculous.
So, if we don’t want this violence to escalate we need to do several things. We need policing without fear or favour. We need two-tier Keir to tone down his one-sided rhetoric and start speaking for ALL sides, for ALL communities.
We need to have a serious conversation about how to end mass immigration. Not tweak the edges —end it. It is a policy that has failed. It is a policy that is tearing our country apart. We need to do whatever necessary to regain control of our borders and agree, across the political divide, to never erode them like this again.
We need to abandon our passive and divisive policy of multiculturalism, which is visibly failing before our eyes, and shift to a far more assertive ‘assimilationist’ approach, whereby we will no longer tolerate people who do not tolerate our rule of law, values, and ways of life. And, most of all, we need to pressure Keir Starmer and the Labour government to drop their extreme and divisive mass immigration policy.
I say all this because, like you, I am fearful. I am worried. I am alarmed. I fear that Labour’s policy of extreme mass immigration is now only going to make all this worse. And in the end, as is always the way, it will not be the elite class in London, Oxford, and Cambridge who pay the price; it will be the British people.
And it’s the British people I worry about most of all.
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