Or how devolution can make or destroy a Nation. ENGLISH VOICE JAN 09, 2025 I had no idea when I started writing this series on regionalisation that it would prove to be such a quagmire of deceit and betrayal against the people of England. England has consistently been betrayed and ‘sold’ to those who want to eliminate her. Strong words but the facts led me to determine that this conclusion has some merit.
The latest nail in England’s coffin is the Starmer regime’s acceleration of the development of Metro Mayors; and the creation of the Council for `Nations and Regions. In this piece I will explain what the Council for nation and regions is and why it is another threat to England as a nation state.
Origins The Council has its origins in Gordon Brown’s report on the future of the UK which recommended ‘a new and powerful institution to drive co-operation between all its governments – a Council of the Nations and Regions.’ John Denham was critical of Brown for not being radical enough but Denham also warned that ‘Labour in government is usually less radical than in opposition’.
Brown wanted the Council of Nations and Regions based in statute, with an independent secretariat. It was to be part of a series of constitutional changes, including stronger legal protection for the devolved parliaments, the replacement of the Lords with a union-wide second chamber, a new Council of England to represent English mayors and local government, and a new body to bring together the First Ministers with the UK Prime Minister.
Reality Today’s Council was reportedly set up without even informing the Scottish government and will, it seems, be run out of Whitehall’s Cabinet Office.(Formerly under. the oversight of Sue Gray) The King’s Speech contained no proposals to give the CNR (Council for Nations and Regions) legal status and the rest of Brown’s proposals have, for now at least, disappeared.
Far from being at the heart of a refreshed four nation union in which deeper devolution goes alongside stronger cooperation, today’s CNR is an odd-looking body.
Chaired by the UK Prime Minister, it brings together the First Ministers of Scotland ,Wales and Northern Ireland (and NI’s Deputy First Minister) with England’s twelve directly elected mayors.
Power imbalance Yet First Ministers and English Mayors have vastly different powers and sources of authority. The First Ministers are chosen through national parliamentary elections and are responsible for nearly all domestic policy in the devolved nations. Their powers are devolved by statute, and they are responsible for huge budgets (£60bn in the case of Scotland).
Even the most powerful of England’s mayors has a budget smaller than some large English councils and has few powers devolved by right. Indeed, the total spending power devolved to all England’s mayors at the end of the last financial year was just £2.6bn.
Tony Blair’s meddling Tony Blair did not endear himself to Welsh Labour when he likened the newly established Welsh Assembly to a parish council. It remains to be seen how keen the elected leaders of the devolved administrations will be at being lumped together with relatively minor players in the governance of England.
The SNP are already asking why Scotland’s major cities are not included. National leaders will surely want a stronger and more focussed collaboration with the UK government. The UK government will need it too: Labour’s missions are UK wide, but they can’t be run from London.
England’s Mayors Welcome this England’s mayors have welcomed their seat at the table. The last Government forced directly mayors on any worthwhile devolution ‘deal’ but it never wanted to give them a collective voice. Has Keir Starmer now done that? I leave you to decide.
Much of England’s local government south of the Severn-Wash line (covering many newly elected Labour MPs ) has so far rejected the idea of mayors. This makes the mayoral map decidedly skewed. As important, not even the most advanced Mayoral Combined Authorities have anything like the powers and resources needed to achieve growth, build homes and play their part in the other missions.( Everything is a Mission to the Starmer regime).
And finally So there we have it. This looks like another of Labour’s half hearted initiatives. (now called missions) It’s underfunded and carried out without any consultation. Note the reaction of Scotland who were not informed of this NCR being set up. But the problems is that all these issues will only worsen with time and it is England and her people who will suffer.
A word to my readers If you like this and want to know more about things English here are some recommended sub stacks and websites.
Membership Secretary, English Democrats
Campaign for an English Parliament - a campaigning group working for a proper voice for England
The English Democrats Party - the only political party that represents the people of England
The Responsible Rebel on substack (views on English issues)