We were enjoying a happy party with friends in a local pub when joined late by a man with a Russian wife, him with Mohican and colourful garments. You would not expect a Putin hater to the point of salivating for his blood in a half Russian family. He wants NATO to pile into Ukraine so his English relatives can start killing his wife’s Russian relatives. He claims she is of the same opinion….
I refused to agree with his narrative regarding Russia and Ukraine, and was met with a ferocious reaction demanding evidence that NATO promised not to expand after the Berlin Wall came down. As I was helping Russians in Crimea in 2004 when they were being told by Ukraine’s President that Ukraine would be taking all their lands during Soros’ Kiev colour revolution, I thought he might be interested that this was the case. (I describe the events in my autobiography how I set up a meeting between the EU’s representative in Kiev Charles Tannock and the leader of Soyuz in Crimea, as tjhe EU were not speaking to the Russians at this moment and tensions were rising). The Mohican was angry and demanded evidence, so we moved on, as I don’t carry documents to dinner parties. He's entitled to his views but his manner was direct and accusatory.
I am used to being in politics where one minute you are battling on the same side, and the next minute you’re, on a different matter, on opposite sides of an argument. But this gentleman could no longer talk to me. He couldn’t even look at me, or make eye contact saying goodbye and shake hands. To be honest it was comical. But the rest of the party couldn’t understand what the discussion was all about and were just upset that a happy evening ended in a rancorous atmosphere. You can imagine the rest.
Polit1ics is like that. It's either indifference, love or hate with nothing in the middle. Strangely the haters more easily switch to lovers than indifferents. My friends do not yet understand that this is the case, and apparently tense discussions are not - or should not be - personal.
Is the main media output becoming so vilifying against Putin that he’s the new Saddam or Gaddafi, now that NATO is about to set about attempting to seize formerly Russian lands in Ukraine with military might? Why are we taregting the only fully Christian country left in Europe, a people you have to respect, for surviving 100 years of Communism and coming out with her culture and beliefs intact.
America is losing its beliefs and traditions in a Hollywood takeover, and sadly England is also being badly affected by the same tripe.
I do not see that England has any business fighting Russia. We should negotiate a strong border for Russia, end the sanctions and get out of there. We are undoubtedly the aggressors.
The UK is working for the US, the UN and NATO. England must quit the UK, and start the process of unravelling from the poisonous mess we are a part of. People with children should think. Do they want them lining up in mass graveyards carrying union jacks? Or is it better to join The Teds and let our children live.
As regards conscription, Police must not be used to enforce. Joining up is voluntary only in my book. Believe you me. The child killers are on the march. France is taking over leadership of NATO, and US is withdrawing. We are at risk from here.
POLL: Should the UK introduce British Army conscription for over 18s? (msn.com)